Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2018 - 2019

Overarching Goal

Silver Mesa's overarching goal will be to increase student proficiency in ELA, using DIBELs and RI assessments to track progress.  We will continue a school-wide focus on writing.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

In our monthly meetings, progress on the current CSIP is discussed and data from screening assessments are shared.  During Feb. 2018, we reviewed these items again and discussed appropriate goals to promote progress.  We determined to set goals that were consistent across the different areas, looking for small, annual gains.

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

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Academic Goal

About 40% of students are not proficient in ELA according to DIBELs and RI data during the 2017-18 school year. We believe this problem is a result of a lack of comprehension and writing skills. A strategy for improvement is to provide professional development on writing strategies and comprehension.

By May of 2019, 80% of students in K-3 will demonstrate mastery of core standards in English Language Arts as measured by the DIBELSnet assessment. 80% of students in grades 4-5 will demonstrate mastery of core standards in English Language Arts as measured by the RI assessment. In the spring of 2017, 75% of our students in K-3 were proficient as measured by DIBELSnet assessments, and 78% of our students in grades 4-5 were proficient as measured on RI. In winter of 2018, 78% of students in K-3 were proficient (DIBELs), and 60% of students in 4-5 were proficient (RI).

Structured Classroom Discussion

Consistent use of the curriculum maps (at IPLCs and planning time); maintain the master schedule; High quality implementation of Reading Street; monitor usage minutes and use data from reading interventions to target reading skills; publish and promote school-wide goals; promote sentence frames for speaking and writing.

1. Targeting reading and comprehension skills in small group instruction. Continue to increase our flexibility in groupings and our knowledge of quality instruction in teaching reading skills.
2. Increase knowledge and skills with writing instruction and comprehension instruction.
3. Focus on writing and comprehension standards.

Progress towards our goal will be measured with District-wide Standards-based Assessments in writing and ELA as well as DIBELs and RI data.

5 MTSS Interventionists to provide Tier 2 interventions and support Reading, Writing and Behavior. $32,842.00 Land Trust
Substitutes for teacher planning time or PD $2,500.00 Land Trust
Teacher Professional Development, in or outside CSD, registration costs, and teacher stipends. $3,000.00 Land Trust
iPads and or chromebooks $4,000.00 Land Trust
Digital software to provide intervention $6,000.00 Land Trust
School Climate Goal

Our implementation of Precision Requests has not been as consistent across all teachers and grades. We believe this problem could be due to unclear expectations and a lack of follow through and support. Strategies for improvement include providing professional development and follow through.

By May of 2019, 80% of the teachers will be implementing Precision Requests in their classroom. This will be assessed by IPOPs and walkthroughs with targeted feedback.

Instructional Priority of Precision Requests

Maintain PBIS structures and routines

Precision Requests

1- Discussions at IPLCs
2- Observation Data

No Dollar Amount Entered
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered