Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2018 - 2019

Overarching Goal

The goal for Midvale Middle School is for all students to show growth in literacy and math by ensuring that students have access to high quality instruction in a safe, positive learning environment. 

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Middle's School Community Council members spent months discussing and simplifying our goals to focus on growth and climate.  The SCC reviewed data and provided feedback about goals and expenditures tied to School Trust Lands. The SCC played an integral part of the development of the CSIP plan.

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Academic Goal

50% of students are not meeting expected growth on the Reading Inventory. This pattern is most common in English Language Learners, Hispanic students, and students with Special Education Services. We believe the problem is a result of not having enough literacy skills embedded in all content areas, specifically systemic access to text and academic vocabulary. Strategies for improvement are reading intervention classes, scaffolds for literacy skills to increase students' access to text, increase structured classroom discussion, and professional development for teachers to implement these strategies systemically.

75% of students will meet or exceed expected growth on Reading Inventory (RI) on the 2018-2019 school year.

Scaffolding strategies, including structured classroom discussion.

1) Enroll identified students in reading intervention classes
2) Provide staff professional development
3) Provide substitutes for teachers to integrate the professional development

Based on reflection of current practices, teachers will collaborate through professional development to implement scaffolding strategies and structured classroom discussions.

The Reading Inventory assessment will be given in the fall of 2018 to create baseline data. It will be given again in December of 2018 to track progress. The final administration of the Reading Inventory will occur in April of 2019.

2.5 full-time reading teachers $130,000.00 Regular FTE allotment
3 Intervention Specialists (up to 28 hours/week each) $36,900.00 School LAND Trust 2018-2019
Professional Development for teachers and intervention specialists (summer + after school) $10,000.00 School LAND Trust 2018-2019
Substitutes for teachers to observe literacy strategies in classrooms. $7,000.00 School LAND Trust 2018-2019
Academic Goal

69% of students are not meeting expected growth on the MI. This pattern is most common in Hispanic students, English Language Learners and students in Special Education. Strategies for improvement are math intervention classes, scaffolds for problem solving skills, increase structured classroom discussion, and professional development for teachers to implement these strategies systemically.

75% of students will meet or exceed expected growth rates on the MI in the 2018-2019 school year.

Scaffolding strategies, including structured classroom discussion.

1) Enroll identified students in math intervention classes
2) Provide staff professional development
3) Provide substitutes for teachers to integrate the professional development

Based on reflection of current practices, teachers will collaborate through professional development to implement scaffolding strategies and structured classroom discussions.

The Math Inventory assessment will be given in the fall of 2018 to create baseline data. It will be given again in December of 2018 to track progress. The final administration of the MI will occur in April 2019.

2 Intervention Specialists (up to 28 hours/week each) $24,600.00 School LAND Trust 2018-2019
Professional Development for teachers and intervention specialists (summer + after school) $10,000.00 School LAND Trust 2018-2019
Substitutes for teachers to observe math strategies in each others classrooms. $7,000.00 School LAND Trust 2018-2019
School Climate Goal

30% of students are reporting that they do not receive recognition for following school rules in a survey of all students. We believe the problem is a result of missing implementation of PBIS procedures for following school rules. A strategy for improvement is increasing the teacher to student positive to corrective feedback ratio.

During informal and formal observations, 80% of the positive to corrective feedback will be at least a 3:1 ratio by May of 2019.

Classroom PBIS, increase teacher to student feedback to 3:1 positive to corrective ratio, set aside time to have non contingent relationship building conversations with students.

Schedule informal observations to gather baseline data and progress data, schedule opportunities for peer observations and feedback about positive to corrective feedback

From each other, we need to learn: how to give positive specific feedback, how to structure non-contingent conversations, how to structure learning so positive feedback is genuine.

ipop data, CAYCI survey data, informal observations, and CTESS student survey data

Incentives for students $5,000.00 School LAND Trust 2018-2019
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered