To increase student achievement through addressing concerns with attendance, grades, and behavior.
School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:  
The BMS SCC meets on a monthly basis to review current data trends and discuss spending ideas for the coming year. Ideas were presented to the SCC and the BLT in the January and February. In March decisions about how to spend the LandTrust monies and the adjust the goals were discussed and approved.
Not Entered
Not Entered
Not Entered
Not Entered
Academic Goal
COURSE WORK--COURSE PERFORMANCE -- *63% (2017)/68% (2018)of our students are on track with grades, meaning that they all earn C's or better. 15% (2017)/12% (2018) are at some risk (1 or more D's) and 22% (2017)/20% (2018) are at significant risk (1 or more F's).
Our SpEd and ELL students are most at risk for these indicators. *21% (2017)/23% (2018) of Sp Ed students are on track with grades--22% at some risk and 52% at significant risk. *32% (2017)/39% (2018) of our ELL students are on track with grades--30% at some risk and 30% at significant risk.
COURSE WORK--COURSE PERFORMANCE--Quarter Grades--We would like to see 85% of all students on track or at some risk each quarter with at least 50% of our SP Ed and 75% ELL students on track or at some risk each quarter.
Teacher Clarity--intentional/effective scaffolds, department vertical alignment (each quarter or on elective days) continue with starters, objective trackers; implement Cornell Notes
Executive Functioning Skills Classes/Training with ELL Directed Studies classes
.2 FTE
After School Math Help
2018-2019 LandTrust
After School Homework Help (Bruins Den)
2018-2019 LandTrust
MTSS Interventionist to track, work with, and support struggling students
2018-2019 LandTrust
Teacher PD Day to implement and organize Objective Trackers, Starters, and grading
2018-2019 LandTrust
Academic Goal
COURSE WORK Reading -- 70% of our students are proficient or advanced, 24% at basic and 6% at below basic on RI. Our sped and ELLs are most at risk for this indicator. 21% of our sped students and 19% of our ELLs are proficient/advanced for RI.
COURSE WORK Math -- 38% of our students are proficient or advanced, 34% at basic and 28% at below basic on MI. Our sped and ELLs are most at risk for this indicator. 8% of our sped students and 28% of our ELLs are proficient/advanced for MI. Target for mid year should be in the basic range.
Course Work Reading--At least 80% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2019 RI. Additionally, at least 80% of our SpEd and ELLs will improve by at least 50 points or 1 level at each administration of the RI during the school year. Finally, each grade level will determine a specific grade level RI goal to be determined from Fall 2018 SRI data.
Course Work Math--At least 80% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2019 MI. Mid year comparisons should include basic or higher for the same percentage. Additionally, at least 50% of our SpEd and ELLs at basic or higher. Finally, each grade level will determine a specific grade level MI goal to be determined from Fall 2018 MI data.
Engaged Reading Strategies, Continued development of content IPLC's, Development of tier 2 math lab, Tier 3 supports and co-teaching
Tier 1: engaged reading, annotation, graphic organizers, summarizing, argument writing, math practice standards Tier 2 and 3: Implementation of district model for reading and math lab (Tier 2/3).
Provisional Teachers (Differentiated): Engaged reading, annotation, graphic organizers, summarizing. Tier 1: math alignment, scaffolding. Tier 2 and 3 SpEd and ELL: targeted instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension.
Tier 1: RI and MI data Fall, Winter, Spring, Tier 2 and 3: Progress-monitoring twice a month with DIBELS/Phonics measures.
Math Lab
Reading Classes
RI/MI Rewards
Cell Tower
PD on Structured Discussions
2018-2019 LandTrust
Sp Ed Subs for PD
Land Trust
Academic Goal
ATTENDANCE--72% (2017)/80% (2018) of our student are on track with attendance as measured by Early Warning Systems data. 21%/16% are at some risk and 7%/3% are at significant risk. Our SpEd students have the lowest overall attendance with only 55%/68% on track. ELLs 64%/83%
ATTENDANCE--In the 2018-2019 school year, BMS will have 85% of our students on track by the end of the school year. As a sub goal, we want to increase the percentage of Sp Ed students on track to 75% on track.
Teacher Student Relationships; PBIS; Kid Talk
PAWs, 2 by 10, Game Night, Who do you know activity (review each quarter), Team Competitions
2 by 10, PAWS/Mentoring Programs on grade levels, Classroom PBIS
Monitored 2x each quarter (mid and end) through attendance information on Skyward and Data Dashboard.
Golden Bear Awards
Cell Tower
Team Rewards--Quarterly recognition with citizenship
Cell Tower
Academic Goal
Behavior--Currently BMS has a solid PBIS program in place (TFI data) but lack a systematic use of Bruins Time (Friday 4th period) or a systematic way to address Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Behavior--Research and implement an SEL Program (i.e. Second Step)
Teacher/Student Relationships
A more systematic use of Bruin Time on Fridays
Once a program is identified, implement we will be collecting feedback from teachers as they teach the lessons in their classrooms.
Identification of a program, teacher feedback on implementation, tracking of citizenship grades with the long term aim to reduce the numbers of N's and U's