Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2018 - 2019

Overarching Goal
Increase student literacy
School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

A draft of the CSIP along with the data that supported the decisions and goals of the CSIP were presented to the SCC on March 8, 2018. The SCC provided feedback, and approved of the CSIP. 

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

Not Entered
Academic Goal

Park Lane students are not demonstrating adequate progress in literacy skills at rates we’d like to see. On average, 69% of students are proficient in literacy, based on their grade level measures (DIBELS and Reading Inventory). This problem affects students across all grade levels. Standards based instruction is taking place in classrooms, however planning for instruction appears to be lacking. We hypothesize that we need to support teachers in planning for purposeful, engaging literacy instruction. We will plan for more targeted instruction, based upon the core standards, while better utilizing our evidenced-based curriculum including all of its standardized components.

By May of 2019:
90% of mainstream students in kindergarten will be proficient in literacy as measured by DIBELS correct letter sounds.
85% of mainstream students in grades 1 & 2 will be proficient in literacy as measured by DIBELS composite scores.
80% of mainstream students in grades 3-5 will be proficient in literacy as measured by the Reading Inventory.
80% of Accommodated Core Classroom students in grade 1 will show at least 30% growth as measured by DIBELS NWF-CLS.
80% of Accommodated Core Classroom students in grades 2-5 will show greater than 20% growth as measured by DIBELS DORF scores.

Teacher Clarity

Tier one reading instruction will be standards-based, and contain all the critical components of Reading Street each day.

Teachers will plan for and implement quality tier one literacy instruction in whole group and small group settings. Teachers will backwards-design, and plan together to ensure instruction is focused, and standards-based.

Teachers will use district, school, and classroom assessments to monitor both high quality instruction, as well as student progress. Individual progress monitoring data to monitor will also continue to be utilized as we compare student progress toward proficiency in literacy goals.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Interventionists $30,000.00 Land Trust
Substitutes and/or stipends to support BLT meetings and teacher professional development. $3,000.00 Land Trust
Technology, equipment, or other instructional materials to support school goals. $3,000.00 Land Trust
School Climate Goal

Teachers report frequent chronic misbehaviors in their classroom. In fact, 36% of school ODRs currently occur in classrooms - more than any other location of the school. This indicates a need for preventive behavior management and tier 2 classroom PBIS. We hypothesize that by providing professional development, to ensure classrooms have clearly established expectations, as well as coaching in behavior priorities we can decrease the number of chronic misbehaviors we experience. By so doing, we believe teachers will be empowered to prevent and de-escalate behaviors exhibited by students with greater social or emotional needs.

By May of 2019 school ODR data will reflect a 20% decrease in classroom behavioral referrals.

Consequence hierarchy and additional supports with tier 2 behavior (i.e. precision requests, response cost tickets, group contingencies, etc.)

Consequence hierarchies will be utilized consistently in all classrooms.

Teachers will be expected to use consequence hierarchies consistently and be familiar with tier two supports for students that need more behavioral support.

Classroom office disciplinary referrals in Data Dashboard will decrease by 20% or more, thus reducing the number of total school ODRs.

School-wide student and teacher incentives not to exceed $2.00 per student, and/or teacher stipends to work off-contract updating the systems. $2,000.00 Land Trust
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered