School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:  
Reviewed data with SCC. The council agreed that we have a continued need for emphasis on writing instruction. They also understand our desire to improve our SWPBS to include additional levels of student recognition and data collection. Council members had great suggestions and questions regarding our proposed plan. BLT drafted CSIP and it was reviewed and approved by SCC.
Not Entered
Not Entered
Not Entered
Not Entered
Academic Goal
Students who made typical or above typical progress on Pathways to Progress: First Grade: 86% typical or above proficiency Second Grade: 73% Third Grade: 65% Fourth Grade: 21% (based on reds and yellows only) Fifth Grade: 36% (based on reds and yellows only)
Increase percent of students at Typical or Above Proficiency based on DIBELS Pathways of Progress from 75% typical growth (2017-18 data) to 80% typical growth for 2018-19. (In 2017-18 the percent of students in grades 1-3 that did NOT make a year of growth was 25.5%.)
Academic Discussion
Skills Based Instruction time will be changed to having para educators push-in to the classroom.
Teachers are expected to review student data at weekly IPLCs to see student needs and growth and determine if they are getting their needs met in SBI time.
Progress monitoring and DIBELs benchmark tests (Pathways to Progress)
Substitutes for monthly BLT meeting
up to $4000
Cell Tower
Academic Goal
Nothing Entered
Nothing Entered
Nothing Entered
Nothing Entered
Nothing Entered
Nothing Entered
No Dollar Amount Entered
Academic Goal
63.4% of students were “Proficient” or above on the Purpose/Focus and Evidence/Elaboration indicators of the ELA Fall DWSBA and 51% on the Winter ELA DWSBA. Our goal is to have at least 75% “Proficient” or above. This pattern is consistent over all grade levels and across all students. We believe the problem is a result of a need for more understanding of how to assess reading and writing standards. A strategy for improvement is to intentionally plan using standards and skills, Increase Depth of Knowledge in order to appropriately question and find text-based evidence and use writing samples to assess mastery of reading and writing standards.
By the end of 2018-19, at least 75% of Brookwood students will achieve writing proficiency as measured by the ELA Spring DWSBA.
Explicit Instruction and academic discussion
Faculty PD’s on Standards Based instructional Cycle for Writing standards IPLC PD & meetings working and planning on the Standards Based instructional Cycle for Writing standards Faculty wide PD on Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Faculty wide PD on writing text-dependent questions for close reading and for assessing standards Repeat planning cycle. Review school-wide content organization protocol Utilize public practice applications (coaching cycles, peer coaching, lesson study, video observations, learning walkthroughs, and/or IPLCs) to develop instructional capacity in teachers in order to achieve learning and performance goals.
How to plan around standards while attending to higher levels of Depth of Knowledge.
On the ELA DWSBAs.
Substitutes for monthly BLT meetings
up to $4,000
Cell Tower
School Climate Goal
In the 2017-18 school year we implemented a new school-wide positive behavior intervention system. While we keep a database of students who attend the Bear Bunch activity each week, we have not gathered data on the number of Bear Bucks being handed out. We also have not kept track of who is giving out Bear Bucks. This pattern is consistent school-wide. This problem is the result of a failure to come to consensus on the who/when/how of gathering the data. A strategy for improvement would be implementing a school store, school-wide rewards for good behavior, and a system for data collection .
By the end of the 2019 school year, 100% of faculty/staff will meet suggested weekly goals 8 out of 9 months in the school year for individually rewarding students in order to improve upon our current PBIS plan. BLT will evaluate data monthly.
PBIS - school wide
Omit the weekly Bear Bunch activity. Implement school store, develop a data collection system, determine whole school reward benchmarks, brainstorm teacher incentives. Educate all non-classroom teachers and encourage them to give Bear Bucks throughout the day. Bear Bucks should be given to any student at any grade level regardless of who is doing the giving.
Teachers will reward appropriate behavior by providing immediate feedback using the Bear Buck system.
We will measure this goal using data collected bi-weekly through the school store.