Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2018 - 2019

Overarching Goal

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The SCC received updates on student achievement data and was presented a draft of the CSIP and LandTrust plans for their feedback, additions, subtractions and approval.

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

Not Entered
Academic Goal

In grades K-5 85% and 83% of our dual immersion students are reaching benchmarks in reading (DIBELS & SRI) and math (MCOMP), respectively, while 65% and 66% of neighborhood classes are reaching benchmark in reading (DIBELS & SRI) and math (MCOMP) respectively. We believe the gap between our neighborhood classrooms and our DLI classrooms is a result of a need among the neighborhood students to develop better academic vocabulary, language and discourse.

Part A: By May 2019, 87% of students in the dual immersion classes will reach DIBELS and/or SRI benchmarks in reading and math. By May 2019, the neighborhood classes will increase the number students reaching benchmark by 10% (Currently 65% and 66% respectively).
Part B: Butler will score at or above the 60th percentile of demographically similar schools on SAGE Language Arts, 50th percentile in SAGE Math and 50th percentile in SAGE Science.

Teachers will receive professional development related to Teacher Clarity and Structured Academic Discussions.
Teachers will create and utilize purposeful and standards based collaborative assessments.
Teachers will continue to receive support in implementing Canyons District Instructional Priorities
Teachers will receive follow-up training on the CRA model and classroom management strategies we learned from Melisa Geneaux.

1. Teams will work together to develop visual aides for structured academic discussions.
2. Teams will work together to enhance teacher clarity through multiple strategies including learning intentions and success criteria.
3. Continue SBI with push-in interventions for reading making adjustments to make intervention time more equitable for students in the DLI program.
4. Hire and AmeriCorps aide to as a volunteer trainer and coordinator over 30 volunteers who will provide two hours of reading interventions per week for below-benchmark students.

1. Structured Academic Discussions
2. Learning Intentions
3. Success Criteria
4. CRA Model (Follow-up)
5. Proactive classroom management strategies (Follow-up)

1. DIBELS (K-3)
2. SRI (4-5)
4. SAGE: Math, Language Arts and Science

Reading Interventionist $55,800.00 Land Trust
Subs for Professional Development and Peer Observations $5,000.00 Land Trust
Materials for PD Implementation $1,200.00 Land Trust
School Climate Goal

From August 2017-April 2018, 59 out of 78 (76%) office discipline referrals were due to unkind acts of students toward their peers or teachers. This is almost 8 per month.

Reduce the number of office discipline referrals for unkind acts by 25% over the same period of time.

Begin a "Choose Kind" initiative in August and provide instruction, reminders and incentives to choose kindness over other actions.

1. Kickoff Assembly
2. Initial explicit instruction
3. Ongoing instruction/reteaching/reminders
4. Incentive program

PD for explicit instruction related to the "Choose Kind" initiative

Count of ODRs related to unkind acts

Incentives $300.00 Business Partners
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered