Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2018 - 2019

Overarching Goal
  • By June 2019, 60 percent of students in grades 3-5 will meet or exceed proficiency on English Language Arts State Summative Assessments.
  • By June 2019, 60 percent of students in grades 3-5 will meet or exceed proficiency on Math State Summative Assessments.
  • By June 2019, 62 percent of students in grades 3-5 will meet or exceed proficiency on Science State Summative Assessments.
  • By June 2019, 75 percent of students in grades 1-3 will meet or exceed proficiency on DIBELS Composite.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:


  • SCC reviewed SAGE results
  • Adjusted language in CSIP academic goal from 100 points growth on Reading Inventory to one year’s growth
  • Clarified language in CSIP school climate goal to 100% of teachers will use 4 to 1 positives to correctives 85% of the time


  • Reviewed plan implementation


  • Reviewed midyear data to evaluate progress towards current CSIP goals and generated CSIP plan ideas for 2018-2019


  • Discussed and approved CSIP and Trust Land Plan

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Academic Goal

Forty-three percent of all students in grades 1-3 and sixty percent of students below benchmark in grades 4-5 are not making adequate progress based on DIBELS benchmark data. This pattern is most common in all students grade 3 and students below benchmark in grade 5. We believe the problem is a result of the quality of core implementation and use of instructional minutes during the school day. A strategy for improvement is increasing instructional time, aligning class activities and programs to core standards and improving implementation of CSD instructional priorities, specifically feedback and teacher clarity.

By May of 2019, 80 percent of students in grades 1-5 will have shown adequate growth in reading according to expected growth in Reading Inventory and according to reading growth shown in the Pathways to Progress report in DIBELS.

TEACHER CLARITY: the ability to clearly communicate the daily learning intentions and success criteria for each lesson.

FEEDBACK: Feedback lets the learner know whether or not a task was performed correctly and how it might be improved. Feedback is most effective when it is specific, clear, purposeful, compatible with prior knowledge, immediate, and non-threatening.

Increase quality of implementation of core standards by:
• Aligning daily instructional time to standards based instruction
• Assessing student mastery of standards using common formative assessments
• Adhering to master schedule particularly during core instruction and skill based instruction

Increase quality of implementation to tiered intervention programs
• Adhering to intervention programs
• Increasing intensity and frequency to match increased student need

Teachers will apply their understanding of Teacher Clarity as an evidence based strategy by:
• Providing clear learning intentions and success criteria for students daily.
• Sharing rubrics, exemplars, models prior to student work time.
• Assessing to identify who needs further support.

Teachers will apply their understanding of Feedback as an evidence based strategy by:
• Routinely using the corrective feedback cycle.
• Providing specific and timely prompts that indicate when students have done something correctly or incorrectly.

Student academic progress will be assessed using DIBELS reading and math:
• Students at or above grade level at BOY benchmark will be monitored for progress three times per year at benchmark
• Students needing targeted intervention at BOY benchmark will be monitored for progress monthly
• Students needing strategic intensive intervention at BOY benchmark will be monitored for progress weekly.

Implementation fidelity will be monitored four times per year, at alternating times, using the Classroom Observation Feedback Form to monitor feedback and the Learning Intention and Success Criteria Observation Form (Moss & Brookhart, 2009) to monitor teacher clarity.

Purchase Book Engagement by Design for each faculty member $27.95 x 28 = $782.60 Cell Tower Funds
School Climate Goal

Students from special populations including low SES and special education are less proficient in all subject areas based on all measures compared to total population. We believe the problem is a result of inconsistent use of Classroom PBIS and the need for increased student engagement. A strategy for addressing this is improving each pillar of classroom PBIS and increasing whole class engagement strategies.

By May of 2019, 100 percent of teachers meet 80 percent of expectations on the PBIS classroom walkthrough observation. By May of 2019, 80 percent of students will be engaged as measured by Basic 5 observation tool in 100 percent of classrooms.

CLASSROOM PBIS: is an evidence-based system that helps define the key components of a well-managed classroom. The heart of classroom management is building strong relationships with students, developing routines, and organizing environments that promote student success through the active teaching of positive social behaviors. Connecting classroom rules, routines and rewards to the school-wide PBIS system will help to promote positive behavior in classrooms and throughout the school.

STUDENT ENGAGEMENT: the degree of attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion that students show when they are learning or being taught, which extends to the level of motivation they have to learn and progress in their education. Student engagement is predicated on the belief that learning improves when students are inquisitive, interested, or inspired, and that learning tends to suffer when students are bored, dispassionate, or disaffected.

Increase quality of implementation of Classroom PBIS by:
• Establishing expectations aligned to CSD Learning Skills and schoolwide PBIS rules
• Teaching and re-teaching expectations at scheduled times of the school year and when additional support is needed
• Reinforcing expectations through classroom positive reinforcement system
• Consistently correcting behavioral errors when they occur

Increase quality of implementation of student engagement
• Strategically planning lessons that task student with active engagement
• Utilizing standards based assessments to plan lessons that challenge students to master their grade level standards

Teachers will apply their understanding of Classroom PBIS as an evidence based strategy by:
• Aligning classroom rules to schoolwide rules and CSD Learning Skills
• Clearly identifying behavior expectations
• Explicitly teaching expectations to students.
• Implementing reinforcement systems for appropriate behavior
• Routinely evaluating reinforcement system for effectiveness and adjusting as needed.
• Recognizing students for positive behaviors.

Teachers will apply their understanding of Student Engagement as an evidence based strategy by:
• Using whole class participation techniques to increase active participation
• Increasing opportunities to respond
• Utilizing opportunities to respond to check for student understanding to provide immediate student feedback and adjust pacing of instruction immediately during the lesson

Student academic progress will be assessed using DIBELS reading and math:
• Students at or above grade level at BOY benchmark will be monitored for progress three times per year at benchmark
• Students needing targeted intervention at BOY benchmark will be monitored for progress monthly
• Students needing strategic intensive intervention at BOY benchmark will be monitored for progress weekly.

Implementation fidelity will be monitored four times per year, at alternating times, using the PBIS Walkthrough tool to monitor classroom PBIS and the Basic 5 Observation Tool to monitor student engagement.

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Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
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Nothing Entered