Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2018 - 2019

Overarching Goal

The overarching goal is to focus on the standardized components of Reading Street and to strengthen our teachers' skills in these components and the Instructional Priorities.

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

SCC helped develop goals for the 2018-2019 school year.  We have discussed data and student growth at each meeting.  We have discussed parent concerns and accolades at each meeting.  As a team we looked at what we believe are the most important areas of focus for the coming year.  Our math progress was good.  But, data showed our reading progress had dropped.  As a team we decided to continue on as we were doing in math and to refocus our efforts in reading.  SCC members offered suggestions and ideas to help promote reading in and out of school.

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

Not Entered
Academic Goal

In 4th grade approximately 30% and in 5th grade approximately 23% of students are basic or below basic on Reading Inventory (RI). No English Language Learner (ELL) students were proficient in RI. We believe the problem is the need for standardization of the Reading Street components with appropriate, flexible pacing. A strategy for improvement will be a monthly focus on each component with support and monitoring which includes professional development. We will also prioritize skill based instruction and the importance of holding small groups daily. We feel the Canyons School District (CSD) Instructional Priorities for academics are also important.

By spring of 2019 Willow Springs students in grades 3, 4, and 5 who are below basic, basic, and proficient in the Reading Inventory (RI) will increase from fall to spring by an average of 130 points. Advanced students will maintain level or show growth. We will use RI in winter to measure our progress towards this goal.
By spring of 2019 Willow Springs students in grade 2 who are well below, below and at benchmark will increase proficiency in Dibels Oral Reading Fluency (DORF) from fall to spring by an average of 48 words. Above benchmark will maintain level or show growth.
By spring of 2019, 90% of students in grade 1 will read an average of 60 words in DORF as measured from winter to spring.
By spring of 2019, 90% of students in Kindergarten will meet the benchmark of 28 correct letter sounds in Dibels Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) as measured from winter to spring.
We will focus on the standardized components of Reading Street through monthly focuses on targeted components. Teachers will receive professional development on the Reading Street components for each month, as well as an Instructional Priority. We will also focus on skills based groups and holding them daily. We will use Lexia and Reading Plus with fidelity.

Standardized componants of Reading Street based on Canyons School District (CSD) recommendations. CSD Instructional Priorities for academics.

Monthly Professional Development and focus on specific standardized components of Reading Street and Instructional Priorities.
Progress monitor reds and yellows twice a month as efficiently as possible in order to preserve small group instruction.
Follow district protocol for small group instruction.

All Teachers will implement the monthly focus from Reading Street.
All Teachers will hold small group instruction 5 days a week using the District protocol

Classroom observations.
Teacher reflections.
Review Lexia and Reading Plus usage monthly in Instructional Professional Learning Communities (IPLCs).
Review progress monitoring data monthly in IPLCs.

7 Reading Interventionists to work with students who need extra support during small group instruction $50,000.00 Land Trust
Academic Goal

Willow Springs has currently made upward progress in SAGE math scores from 69% to 79%. We believe this is a result of a focus on explicit math instruction as well as providing additional opportunities for at risk students to practice basic facts in a before-school math lab. We believe we can accelerate this progress even further with a continuance of the before school math lab as well as standardization of CSD's math components

By spring 2019 Willow Springs will achieve 82% in math as measured by SAGE. We will progress monitor our progress towards 82% proficiency on District Wide Standards Based Assessments (DWSBA) by analyzing DWSBA data in IPLC's each time they are administered. We will also monitor Before School Math Lab attendance as well as Reflex data as evidence of growth.

Standardized components of Envision Math based on CSD's recommendations.

PD will focus on specific standardized components of Envision.

All Teachers will implement the focus from Envision.
All Teachers will hold small group instruction in math 5 days a week.

Classroom observations.
Teacher reflections.
Review Reflex usage monthly in IPLCs.
Review DWSBA data in IPLCs.

Before school supervised math practice lab for invited students. (Paid teacher at Inservice rate) $4,800.00 Land Trust
School Climate Goal

Willow Springs has currently made progress in developing a positive climate. We believe this is a result of teachers greeting students at the door, meaningful morning meetings with a focus on social skills, and ensuring all students receive positive recognition.

By Spring of 2019 all students will have received at least two furbies during the school year.

Greeting each student individually every morning.
Hold meaningful morning meetings every day.
Ensure that every student receives at least two furbies for the year.

Teachers greeting students every morning
Daily morning meetings reinforced
Furbies monitored

All teachers will greet students at the door to foster positive, caring relationships.
All teachers will hold a quality morning meeting to reinforce social skills as well as class cohesiveness.
All teachers will give at least 5 furbies every month.

Principal and coach will make observations of teachers greeting students at their doors.
Principal and coach will visit and participate in morning meetings to offer feedback.
Teachers will track furbies for each child and will ensure that each student receives two during the year.

No Dollar Amount Entered
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered