Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2018 - 2019

Overarching Goal

School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

Academic data was shared with SCC members throughout the year. During SCC meetings, the data was discussed and all members agreed with the need to continue to focus on Literacy. SCC also brought up the question of what we are doing for kids who struggle socially or emotionally. This spurred the conversation with our BLT of having a goal to support kids with their emotional and social skills.

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Academic Goal

On average, 78% of all students are proficient on DIBELS (DORF), 80% of 3-5th grade students are proficient on SAGE (ELA), Only 64% of 3-5th grade students are proficient on the Reading Inventory (RI) Assessment. This pattern is most common in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades and across most special education students. We believe the problem is a result of a need to target the instructional hierarchy of Acquisition, Automaticity, Application (AAA). We have the potential to increase our scores by being more laser focused on our goals. One strategy for improvement is to build fluency skills through practice and use, to gain automaticity, and provide multiple opportunities to apply the skill of fluency across content areas.
3rd - RI = 55% Proficient/ 33% basic/12% Below Basic
4th - RI = 68% Proficient/ 25% Basic/ 7% Below Basic
5th - RI = 68% Proficient/ 26% Basic/ 7% Below Basic

By May of 2019, Quail Hollow’s 4th & 5th grade students will increase from 67% in the winter of 2018 to 72% in the winter of 2019 in the grade level band of the Reading Inventory Assessment. 2nd & 3rd grade students will increase their proficiency rates as measured by the winter 2018 DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (DORF) from 85% in the winter of 2018 to 88% in the winter of 2019. 1st grade students will increase their proficiency rates from 80% in the winter 2018 DIBELS NWF CLS to 85% in winter of 2019. 90% of Kindergarten students will be proficient with Phonemic Segmentation Fluency (PSF) & Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) Assessments by winter of 2019.

Teacher Clarity, Structured Classroom Discussion & Vocabulary, Close Reading

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PD for teachers about Structured Classroom Discussions, connected text, fluency and comprehension. Restructure the master schedule to allow for implementation/practice each day of the week, frontload vocabulary & incorporate close reading more consistently.

Progress will be monitored through the use of walkthrough observation data, team & school-wide walk through observations. Teachers will also participate in self reflections on focus lessons that implement our learning goals.

No Dollar Amount Entered
School Climate Goal

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School Climate Goal

72% of students with ODR's are referred for aggression or disruption issues. This is most likely to occur with students who are struggling academically and/or emotionally. We believe the problem is a result of not focusing our efforts to teach consistent social skills lessons school wide. Our school also lacks a program that meets the social/emotional needs of our students. Strategies for improvement include: using a character program school wide as well as providing staff with strategies and tools on how to support students who are struggling behaviorally, emotionally and socially.

By May of 2019, students will report an increase of positive behaviors of kindness and respect from fall of 2018 to spring of 2019 as measured by a student wellness survey.

Teachers and staff will be focusing on creating positive relationships with parents and students. We will focus on creating a culture of Respect and Kindness in all areas of the school. The school will work in conjunction with PTA & SCC to provide Assemblies that promote kindness & respect. There will be a monthly focus on a character trait with a social skill lesson for each month.

A consistent check in, check out system will be organized. Social skills lessons will be organized and taught in every classroom.

PD on social skills curriculum, Reinforce social skills daily, PD on how to supporting social & emotional students.

A student wellness survey along with a teacher survey of student kindness & respect will be given 3 times a year to monitor students behavior in regards to kindness and respect.

MTSS interventionist $2,000.00 Land Trust Funds
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

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