Data Dashboard

Teacher and Student Success Plan
2018 - 2019

Overarching Goal
School Community Council and Staff Involvement in the TSSP
School Community Councils play an integral part in the development and monitoring of TSSP goals. Please briefly describe the participation of SCC members in the development process of this TSSP:

The school community council reviewed school-wide data and discussed several ways to address concerns. The school community council also reviewed and approved school goals and land trust proposals. 

Not Entered
Not Entered

Not Entered

Not Entered
Academic Goal

According to data from the Reading DIBELS Pathway of Progress report, 40% of students across 1st through 5th grade are not showing typical or better progress. We find that scores vary amongst individual classrooms in each grade level. We believe the problem can be addressed by improving structured classroom discussions, purposeful team planning for core and small group instruction as well as enrichment, scaffolding and differentiation for students receiving tier II interventions, English Language Learners and special education students. A strategy for improvement is regular, focused team planning and utilizing data through backwards design.

By end of the 18-19 school year, 80% of students in each grade will demonstrate mastery of core standards in English Language Arts (ELA) as measured by their grade level District Wide Standards Based Assessment (DWSBA ). Kindergarten will be assessed using the First Sound Fluency (FSF)/Phonemic Segmentation Fluency (PSF)/Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) Dynamic Indicators of Basic Learning Skills (DIBELS) scores.

Structured Classroom Discussion

Whole group and small group instruction will be refined.

-Frequent and sustained back and forth dialogue, in which students focus on an academic topic and explore it by building, challenging, and negotiation relevant ideas to build new meaning using academic language.
-Create and teach norms for classroom discussions.
-Scaffold discussion by using structured discussion frames.
-Use prompts and cues to help students engage in new content, recall critical points, elaborate, and construct meaning.
-Provide feedback with purposeful questions that check, build, and deepen understanding.

Team created assessments, progress monitoring and DWSBAs. (District Wide Standards Based Assessment)
Structured Classroom Discussion Observations and data collection

Classroom Teacher $14,700.00 Land Trust
MTSS Interventionist $7,888.50 Land Trust
Academic Goal

14% of 3rd grade, 28% of 4th grade, and 30% of 5th grade did not meet benchmark in the SAGE in 2016-2017. We believe the problem can be addressed by improving structured classroom discussions, purposeful team planning for core and small group instruction, as well as enrichment, scaffolding, and differentiation for students receiving tier II interventions, English Language Learners, and special education students. A strategy for improvement is regular, focused team planning, and utilizing data through backwards design.

By end of the 18-19 school year, 80% of students in each grade will demonstrate mastery of core standards in Math as measured by their grade level DWSBA (District Wide Standards Based Assessment). Kindergarten will be assessed using the BQD/NNF DIBELS scores.

Structured Classroom Discourse

Whole group and small group instruction will be refined.

-Frequent and sustained back and forth dialogue, in which students focus on an academic topic and explore it by building, challenging, and negotiation relevant ideas to build new meaning using academic language.
-Create and teach norms for classroom discussions.
-Scaffold discussion by using structured discussion frames.
-Use prompts and cues to help students engage in new content, recall critical points, elaborate, and construct meaning.
-Provide feedback with purposeful questions that check, build, and deepen understanding.

Team created assessments, progress monitoring and DWSBA's. (District Wide Standards Based Assessment)
Structured Classroom Discussion Observations and data collection

Classroom Teacher $14,700.00 Land Trust
MTSS Interventionist $7,888.50 Land Trust
School Climate Goal

According to the Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports, a school-wide positive behavior intervention system should impact a minimum of 80% of students on a regular basis. Teachers are currently distributing a maximum of 10 Bengal Buck tickets a week, which inhibits this practice from being a Tier I system of support. There is currently no uniform data collection system for recording which students are receiving Bengal Bucks. This can be solved by increasing the distribution of Bengal Bucks and having a uniform data collection system for students receiving them.

By the end of the 2018-19 school year all students will have received a minimum of 50 Bengal Bucks and all classroom teachers will have a system of recording how many Bengal Bucks each student has received.

Implementation of the SRSS-IE behavior screener
Sustained focus on reinforcement through bengal bucks

Continue focusing on Morning Meetings
Consistent use of Bengal Bucks to reinforce school wide expectations
Documentation of discipline and intervention data by classroom teachers
Tier 2 & 3 intervention supports
System to train all staff

SRSS-IE Behavior screener
Effective Classroom Management strategies including Tier 2 & 3 strategies.
Morning Meeting Procedures
Consistent and effective discipline documentation

SRSS-IE results
Discipline Dashboard Data
Bengal Buck data

No Dollar Amount Entered
Summary of Expenditures for all Goals
Summary - replace me

Nothing Entered